The Five Clans
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Chipmunkstar Empty Chipmunkstar

Post by Chipmunkstar Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:29 pm

Cat name (Required):Chipmunkstar
Gender (Required):She-cat
Clan (Required):FireClan
Age (Required):18 moons
Rank (Required):Leader
Personality (Required):She acts very kit-like at times and is always open-minded and friendly towards others. She is a very serious leader and the contrast between acting like a kit and a good leader is sometimes very abrupt and odd. She is a good fighter, hunter, and climber. She is especially good at climbing and hunting. She is small but she makes up for her size while fighting with her cunning, speed and strategy.
Kits? Mate? (Not required):No mate yet, seeing as she is still young.
Picture (Required):No picture yet, but she is a rusty-gingery-red she-cat with three REALLY dark brown stripes ending at the base of her tail and starting at the top of her head. In between the brown stripes, also starting at the top of her head, are two white stripes that are slightly shorter. She has hazel-y brown eyes and white whiskers. Her fur is long and silky but it's thin and almost looks like it's slicked down to her body. She has a star interesecting the middle brown stripe on her neck that is the same color as the stripe since she became leader.
Role Playing Sample (ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY REQUIRED!): Chipmunkstar walked through the plains of her Clan. She slowed and parted her jaws, letting the scents of the early morning waft into her nose. She stopped and began to sift through the many scents to find prey. When she singled out a mouse, she turned and padded off downwind of it. When she got close enough, Chipmunkstar dropped to an instinctive crouch. As she stalked towards to unsuspecting creature, she dropped low on her haunches and sprang at it. With a nip to its neck, it went limp. She walked back towards camp with her prey.


Posts : 157
Join date : 2009-11-13

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